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Principal research scientist

M.Sc. Organic Technology, 1974, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, 1984, Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia

Tel.: +421-2-59410289
1. A. Ebringerová , I. ©imkovic: Acetylation of (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan. Chem. zvesti, 33, 645-655 (1979).
2. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová : Acetolysis of (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan. 2. Characterization of the the uronic acid-containing fraction of the acetolyzate. Chem. zvesti, 35, 263-269 (1981).
3. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová : Stability of wood polysaccharides in alkaline medium. Chemické listy, 75, 723-742 (1981).
4. I. ©imkovic, J. Tiòo, J. Plaèek, Z. Maòásek: ESR study of alkaline, oxidative degradation of saccharides. Identification of 2,5-dihydroxy-p-benosemiquinone. Carbohydr, Res., 116, 263-269 (1983).
5. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, J. Königstein, V. Mihálov, F. Janeèek: Cleavage of the glycosidic bonds in methyl 9-D-cellotrioside in alkaline medium. Chem. zvesti, 38, 223-229 (1984).
6. M. Antal, A. Ebringerová, I. ©imkovic: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. I. Preparation of lignocellulose materials containing quarternary ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 29, 637-642 (1984).
7. M. Antal, A. Ebringerová, I. ©imkovic: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. II. Distribution of functional groups in lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose components. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 29, 643-650 (1984).
8. I. ©imkovic, J. Tiòo, J. Plaèek, Z. Maòásek: Semiquinons formed during alkaline, oxidative degradation of saccharides. Carbohydr. Res., 142, 127-131 (1985).
9. I. ©imkovic, M. Antal, K. Balog, ©. Ko¹ík, J. Plaèek: Thermooxidation of TMAHP-cellulose in dependence to its anionic form. Thermochim. Acta, 93, 421-424 (1985).
10. I. ©imkovic, M. Antal, V. Mihálov, J. Königstein, M. M. Micko: Influence of anopnic form on thermal degradation of TMAHP-cellulose. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 30, 4707-4711 (1985).
11. I. ©imkovic, M. Antal, K. Balog, ©. Ko¹ík, J. Plaèek: Influence of anionic form on thermooxidation of TMAHP-cellulose. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 30, 4713-4721.
12. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, J. Ti2o, J. Pla2ek, Z. Ma2ásek, L. 1ilka: ESR study of soda waste liquors, Holzforschung, 40, 15-18 (1986).
13. I. ©imkovic: Free radicals in wood chemistry. J. Macromol. Sci. - Rev. Macromol. Chem. Phys., C26, 67-80 (1986).
14. I. ©imkovic, M. Ïurindová, V. Mihálov, J. Königstein, P. Ambroviè: Thermal degradation of cellulose model compounds in inert atmosphere. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 31, 2433-2441 (1986).
15. A. Ebringerová, M. Antal, I. ©imkovic, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. III. Influence of delignification on reactivity and extractability of TMAHP-hemicelluloses. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 31, 303-308 (1986).
16. M. Antal, I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. IV. Modification of aspen wood meal with quarternary ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 31, 621-625 (1986).
17. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, J. Hirsch, J. Königstein: Alkaline degradation of model compounds related to (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan. Carbohydr. Res., 152, 131-136 (1986).
18. I. ©imkovic, J. Alföldi, M. Matulová: A 13C-NMR study of the alkaline degradation products of polysaccharides. Carbohydr. Res., 152, 137-141 (1986).
19. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, J. Hirsch, J. Königstein: Thermal degradation of model compounds with blocked hemiacetal groups related to (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 33, 1473-1477 (1987).
20. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, M. Antal, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. V. Modification of rotten aspen wood meal with quaternary ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 33, 1955-1961 (1987).
21. I. ©imkovic, A. Ebringerová, M. Antal, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationizatrion of lignocellulose materials. VI. Modification of steam-exploded aspen wood chips with quaternary ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 34, 1779-1783 (1987).
22. I. ©imkovic, J. Mlynár, J. Alföldi, M. Antal: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. VII. Modification of spruce wood meal with quarternaty ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 33, 2651-2656 (1987).
23. I. ©imkovic, J. Alföldi, M. Antal: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. VIII. Modification of immited spruce wood with quarternary ammonium groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 34, 2063-2068 (1987).
24. I. ©imkovic, J. Pastýr, M. Antal, K. Balog, ©. Ko¹ík, J. Plaèek: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. IX. Flame retardancy effect of modification with nitrogen and sulphur containing groups. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 34, 1057-1061 (1987).
25. I. ©imkovic, G. Varhegyi, M. J. Antal, Jr., A. Ebringerová, T. Szekely, P. Szabo: Thermogravimetric/mass spectrometric characterization of the thermal decomposition of (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 36, 721-728 (1988).
26. I. ©imkovic, M. Antal, K. Csomorová, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationization of lignocellulose materials. X. Thermooxidation of TMAHP- sawdust. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 38, 1913-1917 (1989).
27. I. ©imkovic, J. Alföldi: Acetylation of (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan under homogeneous conditions using trifluoroacetic acid - acetic anhydride. Carbohydr. Res., 201, 346-348 (1990).
28. I. ©imkovic, J. Mlynár, J. Alföldi, M. M. Micko: New aspects in cationiyation of lignocellulose materials. XI. Modification of bagasse with quarternary ammonium groups. Holzforschung, 44, 113-116 (1990).
29. I. ©imkovic, D. Li¹ková, M. Ko¹ík, I. ©pilda: For a better utilization of phytomass in the future. Speculat. Sci. Technol., 13, 217-223 (1990).
30. I. ©imkovic, J. Pastýr, K. Csomorová , K. Balog, M. M. Micko: Flame retardancy effect of crosslinking of lignocellulose materials. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 41, 1333-1337 (1990).
31. I. ©imkovic, P. Pelikán, J. Pla2ek: Enolate semiquinones formed during alkaline, oxidative degradation of 2-deoxy-sugars. Carbohydr. Res., 212, 273-276 (1991).
32. I. ©imkovic, J. Mlynár, J. Alföldi, H. Lübke, M. M. Micko: Increased extractibility of irradiated wood meal. Holzforschung, 45, 229-232 (1991).
33. I. ©imkovic, K. Balog, M. M. Micko: Flame retardancy effect of elemental sulphur caused by covering the lignocellulose materials. Holzforschung, 45, 367-370 (1991).
34. I. ©imkovic, B. Plage, H.-R. Schulten: Pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry of modified bagasse fractions. Biomass Bioenergy, 1, 329-337 (1991).
35. I. ©imkovic, J. Mlynár, J. Alföldi: Modofication of corn cob meal with quaternary ammonium groups. Carbohydr. Polym., 17, 285-288 (1992).
36. I. ©imkovic, J. Alföldi, H.-R. Schulten: Effect of pretreatment on pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometric data of (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan from beech wood. Biomass Bioenergy, 4, 373-378 (1993).
37. I. ©imkovic, M. Antal, J. Alföldi: Fractionation of wheat straw meal after pretreatment with acidified zinc chloride solution. Carbohydr. Polym., 23, 111-114 (1994).
38. I. ©imkovic, K. Csomorová, K. Balog: Thermal degradation and thermooxidation of O-acetyl-(4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylan and related derivatives. Holzforschung, 49, 512-516 (1995).
39. I. ©imkovic, J. Alf2ldi, O. Auxtová, D. Li¹ková, P. Lerouge: Chemical modification and fractionation of pea stem polysaccharides. Carbohydr. Polym., 29, 51-56 (1996).
40. I. ©imkovic, J. A. Laszlo, A. R. Thompson: Preparation of weakly basic ion exchanger by crosslinking starch with epichlorohydrin in the presence of NH4OH. Carbohydr. Polym., 30, 25-30 (1996).
41. J. A. Laszlo, I. ©imkovic: Chemical strategies for producing anion exchangers from lignocellulosic residues to be used for removing textile dyes from wastewater. In "Ion exchange developments and applications", Proceedings of IEX '96, p. 128-134, Ed. J. A. Greig, SCI, England, 1996.
42. I. ©imkovic: One-step quaternization/crosslinking of starch with 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride/epichlorohydrin in the presence of NH4OH. Carbohydr. Polym., 31, 47-51 (1996).
43. I. ©imkovic: One-step introduction of amine and ammonium groups and croslinking of polygalacturonic acid. Carbohydr. Polym., 32, 1-6 (1997).
44. I. ©imkovic, J. A. Laszlo: Preparation of ion exchangers from bagasse by crosslinking with epichlorohydrin-NH4OH or epichlorohydrin-imidazole. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 64, 2561-2566(1997).
45. I. ©imkovic: Quaternization/crosslinking of starch with choline chloride/ epichlorohydrin. Carbohydr. Polym., 34, 21-23 (1997).
46. I. ©imkovic, B. A. Francis, J. B. Reeves: Pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of starch-based ion-exchangers. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 43, 145-155 (1997).
47. I. ©imkovic, K. Csomorová: Flame-retardant prperties of ion-exchanging groups introduced into beech sawdust. Fire Mat., 22, 149-154 (1998).
48. I. ©imkovic: Preparaion of anion exchangers from beech sawdust and wheat straw. Industrial Crops and Products, 10, 167-173 (1999).
49. J. B. Reeves, III, C. M. Zapf, S. R. Delwich, I. ©imkovic: Mid-infrared versus near-infrared spectroscopy for quanitative and qualitative analysis of agricultural products. Recent Res. Devel. Agricultural & Food Chem., 3, 201-222 (1999).
50. I. ©imkovic, M. Hricovíni, L. ©oltés, R. Mendichi, C. Cosentino: Preparation of water-soluble/insoluble derivatives of hyaluronic acid by cross-linking with epichlorohydrin in aqueous NaOH/NH4OH soluion. Carbohydr. Polym., 41, 9-14 (2000).
51. I. ©imkovic, E. Jakab: Thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry study of weakly basic starch-based ion exchanger. Carbohydr. Polym., 45, 53-59 (2001).
52. I. ©imkovic, M. Hricovíni, V. Sasinková: Preparation of ion-exchangers by cross-linking of starch or polygalacturonic acid with 1,3-bis(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)imidazolium Hydrogen sulfate. Carbohydr. Polym., 47, 131-136 (2002).
53. I. ©imkovic, K. Csoomorová: Thermogravimetric study of starch derivatives with amne/ammonium ion-exchanging groups in oxidative environment, Carbohdr. Polym. 49, 509-513 (2002).
Institute of Chemistry
Slovak Academy of Sciences