About the Institute of Chemistry, SAS People at the Institute of Chemistry, SAS Research groups at the Institute of Chemistry, SAS Research at the Institute of Chemistry, SAS Products of the Institute of Chemistry, SAS

Research Scientist

Department of Enzymology of Saccharides

Tel.: +421-2-59410255
Fax.: +421-2-59410222
Research Interests
Enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides; design and control of industrial biocatalysts; immobilization; and enzyme engineering.
Selected Publications (full list available on request)
Production of cytidine 5'-monophospho-N-acetyl-β-D-neuraminic acid (CMP-sialic acid) using enzymes or whole cells entrapped in calcium silica pectate gel beads.
Nahalka J., Wu B., Shao J., Gemeiner P., Wang P.J.
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 40: 101-106 (2004)
Super-beads: immobilization in "sweet" chemistry.
Nahalka J., Liu Z., Chen X., Wang P.G.
Chemistry - A European Journal 9: 373-377 (2003)
Biocatalytic synthesis of UDP-GlcNAc by multiple enzymes co-immobilized on agarose beads.
Shao J., Zhang J., Nahalka J., Wang P.J.
Chemical Communication 2586-2587 (2002)
Nucleoside triphosphates production using recombinant E. coli entrapped in calcium pectate gel.
Nahalka J., Liu Z., Gemeiner P., Wang P.G.
Biotechnology letters 24:925-930 (2002)
New approaches for verification of kinetic parameters of immobilized concanavalin A: invertase preparations investigated by flow microcalorimetry.
Gemeiner P., Dočolomanský P., Nahálka J., Štefuca V., Danielsson B.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 49: 26-35 (1996)
Institute of Chemistry
Slovak Academy of Sciences