Stanislav KOZMON, PhD
Research Scientist
Tel.: +421-2-59410324
Fax: +421-2-59410222
Research Interests
- theoretical/computational chemistry
- application of molecular modeling methods (force field and quantum chemical methods) to study organic, pharmaceutical chemistry or biochemistry relevant topics
- applications of high-level ab initio (HF, MPn, CC) and density functional theory (DFT) methods
- molecular mechanics (MM), molecular dynamics (MD)
- combined quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods, QM/MM ab initio MD or metadynamics (MTD)
- docking studies of the small molecules as enzyme inhibitors
- Tvaroska, I., Kozmon, S. & Kona, J.:
Molecular Modeling Insights into the Structure and Behavior of Integrins: A Review Cells-Basel 12, (2023).
- Stratilova, B., Sestak, S., Stratilova, E., Vadinova, K., Kozmon, S. & Hrmova, M.:
Engineering of substrate specificity in a plant cell-wall modifying enzyme through alterations of carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues Plant J 116, 1529-1544 (2023).
- Stratilova, B., Kozmon, S., Stratilova, E. & Hrmova, M. in Glycoside Hydrolases: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology Vol. (ed^(eds Ch. 213-242 (Elsevier, 2023).
- Pancik, F., Pakanova, Z., Nemcovic, M., Kveton, F., Salingova, A., Hlavata, A., Kozmon, S. & Barath, P.:
Application of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Non-invasive Diagnostics of Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening 11, (2023).
- Stratilova, B., Stratilova, E., Hrmova, M. & Kozmon, S.:
Definition of the Acceptor Substrate Binding Specificity in Plant Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylases Using Computational Chemistry Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, (2022).
- Pancik, F., Pakanova, Z., Mecarova, J., Cizova, A., Bystricky, S., Kozmon, S. & Barath, P.:
Fragmentation analysis of O-specific polysaccharide from bacteria Vibrio cholerae O139 by MALDI-TOF and LC/ESI-MS/MS Eur J Mass Spectrom 28, 47-55 (2022).
- Savkova, K., Huszar, S., Barath, P., Pakanova, Z., Kozmon, S., Vancova, M., Tesarova, M., Blasko, J., Kalinak, M., Singh, V., Kordulakova, J. & Mikusova, K.:
An ABC transporter Wzm-Wzt catalyzes translocation of lipid-linked galactan across the plasma membrane in mycobacteria P Natl Acad Sci USA 118, (2021).
- Houser, J., Kozmon, S., Mishra, D., Hammerova, Z., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
The analysis of CH-p interaction in protein-carbohydrate binding Acta Crystallogr A 77, C689-C689 (2021).
- Stratilova, B., Sestak, S., Mravec, J., Garajova, S., Pakanova, Z., Vadinova, K., Kucerova, D., Kozmon, S., Schwerdt, J. G., Shirley, N., Stratilova, E. & Hrmova, M.:
Another building block in the plant cell wall: Barley xyloglucan xyloglucosyl transferases link covalently xyloglucan and anionic oligosaccharides derived from pectin Plant J 104, 752-767 (2020).
- Stratilova, B., Kozmon, S., Stratilova, E. & Hrmova, M.:
Plant Xyloglucan Xyloglucosyl Transferases and the Cell Wall Structure: Subtle but Significant Molecules 25, (2020).
- Barath, M., Jakubcinova, J., Konyarikova, Z., Kozmon, S., Mikusova, K. & Bella, M.:
Synthesis, docking study and biological evaluation of D-fructofuranosyl and D-tagatofuranosyl sulfones as potential inhibitors of the mycobacterial galactan synthesis targeting the galactofuranosyltransferase GlfT2 Beilstein J Org Chem 16, 1853-1862 (2020).
- Houser, J., Kozmon, S., Mishra, D., Hammerova, Z., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
The CH-pi interaction in protein - carbohydrate binding: Bioinformatics and in vitro quantification Chemistry – A European Journal, (2020).
- Jakubcinova, J., Kozmon, S., Sestak, S. & Barath, M.:
Novel 1-O-Sulfono-alpha-d-Fructofuranosyl Sulfones as Possible Inhibitors of Human GnT-I Enzyme Chemistryselect 5, 4967-4972 (2020).
- Konyarikova, Z., Savkova, K., Kozmon, S. & Mikusova, K.:
Biosynthesis of Galactan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Viable TB Drug Target? Antibiotics-Basel 9, (2020).
- Stratilova, B., Rehulka, P., Garajova, S., Rehulkova, H., Stratilova, E., Hrmova, M. & Kozmon, S.:
Structural characterization of the Pet c 1.0201 PR-10 protein isolated from roots of Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss Phytochemistry 175, (2020).
- Hammerova, Z., Houser, J., Kozmon, S., Mishra, D., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
Interactions of carbohydrate and aromatic amino acid in protein binding sites Febs Open Bio 9, 251-252 (2019).
- Mastihuba, V., Potocka, E. K., Uhliarikova, I., Kis, P., Kozmon, S. & Mastihubova, M.:
Reaction mechanism of beta-apiosidase from Aspergillus aculeatus Food Chem 274, 543-546 (2019).
- Stratilova, B., Firakova, Z., Klaudiny, J., Sestak, S., Kozmon, S., Strouhalova, D., Garajova, S., Ait-Mohand, F., Horvathova, A., Farkas, V., Stratilova, E. & Hrmova, M.:
Engineering the acceptor substrate specificity in the xyloglucan endotransglycosylase TmXET6.3 from nasturtium seeds (Tropaeolum majus L.) Plant Mol.Biol. 100, 181-197 (2019).
- Janos, P., Kozmon, S., Tvaroska, I. & Koca, J.:
How Mycobacterium tuberculosis Galactofuranosyl Transferase2 (GlfT2) Generates Alternating beta-(1-6) and beta-(1-5) Linkages: AQM/MM Molecular Dynamics Study of the Chemical Steps Chem-Eur J 24, 7051-7059 (2018).
- Stratilova, B., Klaudiny, J., Rehulka, P., Stratilova, E., Meszarosova, C., Garajova, S., Pavlatovska, B., Rehulkova, H., Kozmon, S., Sestak, S., Firakova, Z. & Vadkertiova, R.:
Characterization of a long-chain alpha-galactosidase from Papiliotrema flavescens World J Microb Biot 34, (2018).
- Suchova, K., Kozmon, S., Puchart, V., Malovikova, A., Hoff, T., Morkeberg Krogh, K. B. R. & Biely, P.:
Glucuronoxylan recognition by GH 30 xylanases: A study with enzyme and substrate variants Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 643, 42-49 (2018).
- Zufanova, Z., Houser, J., Kozmon, S., Mishra, D., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
Importance of CH-pi stacking interaction in carbohydrate-protein complexes Febs Open Bio 8, 385-385 (2018).
- Bella, M., Yan, S., Sestak, S., Kozmon, S., Lin, C.-H., Mucha, J. & Koos, M.:
Synthesis of a β-d-Psicofuranosyl Sulfone and Inhibitory-Activity Evaluation Against N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase I European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2017, 6179-6191 (2017).
- Houser, J., Kozmon, S., Mishra, D., Mishra, S. K., Romano, P. R., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
Influence of Trp flipping on carbohydrate binding in lectins. An example on Aleuria aurantia lectin AAL Plos One 12, e0189375 (2017).
- Janos, P., Kozmon, S., Tvaroska, I. & Koca, J.:
Three-dimensional homologymodel of GlcNAc-TV glycosyltransferase Glycobiology 26, 757-771 (2016).
- Janos, P., Trnka, T., Kozmon, S., Tvaroska, I. & Koca, J.:
Different QM/MM Approaches To Elucidate Enzymatic Reactions: Case Study on ppGalNAcT2 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12, 6062-6076 (2016).
- Kozmon, S. & Tvaroska, I.:
Molecular dynamic studies of amyloid-beta interactions with curcumin and Cu2+ ions Chem. Pap. 69, 1262-1276 (2015).
- Kumari, M., Kozmon, S., Kuhanek, P., Stepan, J., Tvaroska, I. & Koca, J.:
Exploring Reaction Pathways for O-GlcNAc Transferase Catalysis. A String Method Study J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 4371-4381 (2015).
- Trnka, T., Kozmon, S., Tvaroska, I. & Koca, J.:
Stepwise Catalytic Mechanism via Short-Lived Intermediate Inferred from Combined QM/MM MERP and PES Calculations on Retaining Glycosyltransferase ppGalNAcT2 PLoS Comput Biol 11, e1004061 (2015).
- Tvaroska, I., Kozmon, S., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
A QM/MM Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism of Metal-Ion-Independent Core 2 beta 1,6-N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase Chem-Eur J 19, 8153-8162 (2013).
- Nagy, V., Felfoldi, N., Konya, B., Praly, J. P., Docsa, T., Gergely, P., Chrysina, E. D., Tiraidis, C., Kosmopoulou, M. N., Alexacou, K. M., Konstantakaki, M., Leonidas, D. D., Zographos, S. E., Oikonomakos, N. G., Kozmon, S., Tvaroska, I. & Somsak, L.:
N-(4-Substituted-benzoyl)-N '-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)ureas as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase: Synthesis and evaluation by kinetic, crystallographic, and molecular modelling methods Bioorgan Med Chem 20, 1801-1816 (2012).
- Tvaroska, I., Kozmon, S., Wimmerova, M. & Koca, J.:
Substrate-assisted catalytic mechanism of O-GlcNAc transferase discovered by quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics investigation Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 15563-15571 (2012).
- Wimmerova, M., Kozmon, S., Necasova, I., Mishra, S. K., Komarek, J. & Koca, J.:
Stacking Interactions between Carbohydrate and Protein Quantified by Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Methods Plos One 7, (2012).
- Both, P., Sobczak, L., Breton, C., Hann, S., Nobauer, K., Paschinger, K., Kozmon, S., Mucha, J. & Wilson, I. B. H.:
Distantly related plant and nematode core alpha 1,3-fucosyltransferases display similar trends in structure-function relationships Glycobiology 21, 1401-1415 (2011).
- Kozmon, S., Matuska, R., Spiwok, V. & Koca, J.:
Dispersion interactions of carbohydrates with condensate aromatic moieties: Theoretical study on the CH-pi interaction additive properties Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 14215-14222 (2011).
- Kozmon, S., Matuska, R., Spiwok, V. & Koca, J.:
Three-Dimensional Potential Energy Surface of Selected Carbohydrates' CH/pi Dispersion Interactions Calculated by High-Level Quantum Mechanical Methods Chem-Eur J 17, 5680-5690 (2011).
- Nurisso, A., Kozmon, S. & Imberty, A.:
Comparison of docking methods for carbohydrate binding in calcium-dependent lectins and prediction of the carbohydrate binding mode to sea cucumber lectin CEL-III Mol. Simul. 34, 469-479 (2008).
- Sihelnikova, L., Kozmon, S. & Tvaroska, I.:
DFT and docking study of potential transition state analogue inhibitors of glycosyltransferases Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 73, 591-607 (2008).
- Kozmon, S. & Tvaroska, I.:
Catalytic mechanism of glycosyltransferases: Hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical study of the inverting N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I Journal of the American Chemical Society 128, 16921-16927 (2006).
- Kozmon, S. & Tvaroska, I.:
DFT study on 3-substituted tetrahydropyran-2-yl radicals Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 71, 1453-1469 (2006).
- Kona, J., Zahradnik, P., Kozmon, S. & Fabian, W. M. F.:
Role of solvent effects on nucleophilic substitution of 4H-pyran-4-one and its 2,6-dimethyl derivative with hydroxide ion in aqueous solution: ab initio and density functional theory studies on a supermolecular reaction model J Mol Struc-Theochem 728, 117-122 (2005).
- Raab, M., Kozmon, S. & Tvaroska, I.:
Potential transition-state analogs for glycosyltransferases. Design and DFT calculations of conformational behavior Carbohydr. Res. 340, 1051-1057 (2005).