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Research Interests
Cell factory in immobilized forms for biotransformation of
(i) synthetic prochiral compounds into chiral synthons,
(ii) naturally occuring substances to synthetic receptors. Lectinology associated with role
of lectins in deciphering of "glycocode" at cell-cell communications. Biosensors tailor-made
for monitoring and control of bioprocesses by flow injection analysis.
Selected Publications (full list available on request)
Membrane-bound dehydrogenases from Gluconobacter sp.: Interfacial electrochemistry and direct bioelectrocatalysis
J. Tkáč, J. Švitel, I. Voštiar, M. Navrátil, P. Gemeiner Bioelectrochemistry 76, 53-62 (2009)
Review. Multiscale requirements for bioencapsulation in medicine and biotechnology
P. de Vos, M. Bučko, P. Gemeiner, M. Navrátil, J. Švitel, M. Faas, B.L. Strand, G. Skjak-Braek, Y.A. Morch, A. Vikartovská, I. Lacík, G. Kolláriková, G. Orive, D. Poncelet, J.L. Pedraz, M.B. Ansorge-Schumacher Biomaterials 30, 2559-2570 (2009)
Lectinomics II: a highway to biomedical/clinical diagnostics
P. Gemeiner, D. Mislovičová, J. Tkáč, V., J. Švitel, V. Pätoprstý, E. Hrabárová, G. Kogan, T. Kožár Biotechnol. Adv. 25, 1-15 (2009)
Off-line FIA monitoring of D-sorbitol consumption during L-sorbose production using a sorbitol biosensor
J. Šefčovičová; A.Vikartovská; V. Pätoprstý; P. Magdolen; J. Katrlík; J. Tkáč; P. Gemeiner Anal. Chim. Acta 644, 68-71 (2009)
Ethanol Gluconobacter biosensor designed for flow injection analysis. Application in ethanol fermention off-line monitoring
M. Valach, J. Katrlík, E. Šturdík, P. Gemeiner Sensors & Actuators B 138, 581-586 (2009)
Lectinomics I: Relevance of exogennous plant lectins in biomedicine diagnostics (Review)
D. Mislovičová, P. Gemeiner, A. Kožárová, T. Kožár Biológia 64, 1-19 (2009)
Comparison of different technologies for alginate beads production
U. Prsse, L. Bilancetti, M. Bučko, B. Bugarski, J. Bukowski, P. Gemeiner, D. Lewiska, V. Manojlovic, B. Massart, C. Nastruzzi, V. Nedovi, D. Poncelet, S. Siebenhaar, L. Tobler, A. Tosi, A. Vikartovská, K.-D. Vorlop Chem. Papers. 62, 364-374 (2008)
A filtration probe-free on-line monitoring of glycerol during fermentation by a biosensor device
J. Šefčovičová, J. Katrlík, V. Štefuca, V. Mastihuba, I. Voštiar, G. Greif, M. Bučko, J. Tkáč, P. Gemeiner Enzyme Microb. Technol. 420, 434-459 (2008)
Degradation of high-molar-mass hyaluronan and characterization fragments
L. Šoltés, G. Kogan, M. Stankovská, R. Mendichi, J. Rychlý, J. Schiller, P. Gemeiner Biomacromolecules 8, 2697-2705 (2007)
Improvement of the stability of glucose oxidase via encapsulation in sodium alginate-cellulose-sulfate-poly(methylene-co-guanidine) capsules
A. Vikartovská, M. Bučko, D. Mislovičová, V. Pätoprstý, I. Lacík, P. Gemeiner Enzyme Microb Technol. 41, 748-755 (2007)
A novel microbial biosensor based on cells of Gluconobacter oxydans for the selective determination of 1,3-propanediol in the presence of glycerol and its application in bioprocess monitoring
J. Katrlík, I. Voštiar, J. Šefčovičová, J. Tkáč, V. Mastihuba, M. Valach, V. Štefuca, P. Gemeiner Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 388, 287-295 (2007)
Hyaluronic acid: A natural biopolymer with a broad range of biomedical and industrial applications (Review)
G. Kogan, L. Šoltés, R. Stern, P. Gemeiner
Biotechnol. Lett. 29, 17-25 (2007)
Oligosaccharides, neoglycoproteins and humanized plastics - their synthesis and applications
J. Nahálka, J. Shao, P. Gemeiner Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 46, 1-14 (2007)
A novel microbial biosensor based on cells of Gluconobacter oxydans for the selective
determination of 1,3-propanediol in the presence of glycerol and its application in
bioprocess monitoring
J. Katrlík, I. Voštiar, J. Šefčovičová, J. Tkáč, V. Mastihuba, M. Valach, V. Štefuca, P. Gemeiner Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 388, 287-295 (2007)
Modulation of biorecognition interactions of glucoamylases with Concanavalin A by glycosylation via recombinant expression
D. Mislovičová, J. Masárová, E. Hostinová, J. Gašperík, P. Gemeiner Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 39, 286-290 (2006)
Development of enzyme flow calorimeter system for monitoring of microbial glycerol
V. Štefuca, I. Voštiar, J. Šefčovičová, J. Katrlík, V. Mastihuba, M. Greifová, P. Gemeiner Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 72, 1170-1175 (2006)
Thermoswitched immobilization - A novel approach in reversible immobilization
J. Nahálka, P. Gemeiner J. Biotechnol. 123, 478-482 (2006) Immobilization of a whole-cell epoxide-hydrolyzing biocatalyst in sodium
alginate-cellulose sulfate-poly(methylene-co-guanidine) capsules using a controlled
encapsulation process
M. Bučko, A. Vikartovská, I. Lacík, G. Kolláriková, P. Gemeiner, V. Pätoprstý, M. Brygin Enzyme Microb. Technol. 36, 118-126 (2005)
Production of cytidine 5'-monophospho-N-acetyl--D-neuraminic acid
(CMP-sialic acid) using enzymes or whole cells entrapped in calcium pectate - silica gel
J. Nahálka, B. Wu, J. Shao, P. Gemeiner, P.G. Wang Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 40, 101-106 (2004) Improved selectivity of microbial biosensor using membrane coating.
Application to the analysis of ethanol during fermentation
J. Tkáč, I. Voštiar, L. Gorton, P. Gemeiner, E. Šturdík Biosens. Bioelectron. 18, 1125-1134 (2003) Influence of mannan epitopes in glycoproteins-Concanavalin A interaction.
Comparison of natural and synthetic glycosylated proteins
D. Mislovičová, J. Masárová, J. Švitel, P. Gemeiner Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 30, 251-258 (2002) Isolation and immunolocalization of a Pinus nigra lectin (PNL) during
interaction with the necrotrophs - Heterobasidion annosum and Fusarium avenaceum
J. Nahálková, F.O. Asiegbu, G. Daniel, J. Hřib, B. Vooková, B. Pribulová, P. Gemeiner Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 59, 153-163 (2001) Monitoring of dihydroxyacetone production during oxidation of glycerol
by immobilized Gluconobacter oxydans cells with an enzyme biosensor
J. Tkáč, M. Navrátil, E. Šturdík, P. Gemeiner Enzyme Microb. Technol. 28, 383-388 (2001) Investigation of catalytic properties of immobilized enzymes and cells
by flow microcalorimetry
V. Štefuca, P. Gemeiner In the book: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Vol. 64: "Enzyme Thermistor Chapter" (T. Scheper, Ed.), pp. 69-99. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1999 The glycosylated enzyme-binding assay for the study of the interaction of
free and immobilized lectins with carbohydrates
D. Mislovičová, A. Vikartovská, P. Gemeiner J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 35, 37-48 (1997) Determination of citrate by FIA using immobilized Enterobacter aerogenes
cells and an enzyme thermistor/flow microcalorimeter detection
J. Švitel, I. Voštiar, P. Gemeiner, B. Danielsson Biotechnol. Tech. 11, 917-919 (1997) Molecular imprinting of acetylated carbohydrate derivatives into methacrylic
K.G.I. Nilsson, K. Sakaguchi, P. Gemeiner, K. Mosbach J. Chromatogr. A 707, 199-204 (1995) Biochemical engineering of biocatalysts immobilized on cellulosic materials
P. Gemeiner, V. Štefuca, V. Báleš Enzyme Microb. Technol. 15, 551-566 (1993) Enzyme Engineering. Immobilized Biosystems
P. Gemeiner, Editor Author Ellis Horwood Series in Biochemistry and Biotechnology (A. Wiseman, Ed.) Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chichester & Alfa, Publishers, Bratislava 1992 |