Analytical Department
NMR Laboratory
Universal NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III HD 600 MHz
Equipped with: Autosampler (20 positions), CryoPlatform, Triple Resonance CryoProbe (5 mm) for
simultaneous decoupling on multiple nuclei (1H, 13C, 15N) with automatic tuning, Double Resonance
Broad Band Probe (5 mm) with possibility of detection of 19F and 31P – 109Ag nuclei with 1H
decoupling and detection of 1H. Measurements of samples in solutions; determination/confirmation
of structure of natural compounds and interactions of biomelecules.
Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz spectrometer
Equipped with: Autosampler (20 positions), CryoPlatform, Double Resonance Broad Band Probe (5
mm) with possibility of detection of 19F and 31P – 15N nuclei with 1H decoupling and detection of 1H.
Measurements of samples in solutions in broad range of frequencies and temperatures – for basic
and advanced experiments; determination/confirmation of structure of compounds.
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
◼ LTQ Orbitrap XL Velos, Accela 1250 (Thermo Scientific)
◼ LTQ Orbitrap Velos (Thermo Scientific)
◼ Orbitrap Elite upgrade with ion mobility and Nanospray Flex Ion Source (Thermo Scientific)
High-resolution mass spectrometer working on the hybrid system principle with orbital trap,
electrospray and chemical ionization at atmospheric pressure; equipped with H-ESI II and APCI
connection to HPLC with electro-chemical, fluorescence, UV, RI and ELS detection); mass range:
15–4000 m/z; resolution: 100 000 for m/z of 400. Identification of unknown compounds,
determination of isotopic composition of elements in the molecule and structure of compound based
on its fragmentation; determination of exact mass for external calibration < 3 ppm and for internal
calibration < 1 ppm.
Fusion Orbitrap Tribid mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific)
High-resolution mass spectrometer with MSn fragmentation and ESI ionization. It combines the
best of quadrupole, ion trap and Orbitrap mass analysis in a revolutionary Tribrid architecture to
provide unprecedented depth of analysis and ease of use. Wide dynamic range and ultrahigh mass
resolution allow identification of monoclonal antibodies and other low-abundance proteins
UltrafleXtreme, Dionex ultimate 3000RSLC MALDI TOF/TOF (Bruker)
Soft-ionization MS for analysis of large biomolecules able to fragmentate at laser ionization;
determination of exact molecular mass and structure of biopolymers; complete solution for the field
of clinical and expression proteomics, biomarker profiling, identification and quantification of
proteins and peptides, Top Down proteomics (MALDI TDS) and MALDI Imaging.
TSQ Quantum Ultra GC-Mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific)
Equipped with EI ionization based on the triple quadrupole principle with the possibility of direct
probe for MS and ultrasensitive MS/MS analyses (quantitative determination of compounds); scan
operations: full MS scan, MS/MS scan, SIM, SRM, H-SRM, scanning of parent-ions and neutral
losses; mass range: 10–3000 m/z.
ITQ 900 GC-Ion Trap MS, Trace GC Ultra spectrometer (Thermo Scientific)
Suitable as a MS detector in separations of compounds using GC; identification and determination
of structure of different compounds with the possibility of direct sample introduction.
QTRAP 4500 HPLC-MS System (AB Sciex)
For analysis of pharmaceutical substances, detemination of structure, quantification of major
components and identification of impurities based on the GmbH ESI and APCI (qualitative analysis
with the world's most sensitive ion trap) using the unique methods of "TripleTrap Scanning" and
"MRM3 quantitation workflow for enhanced selectivity in complex matrices".
PlasmaQuant ICP-MS System (Analytik Jena AG)
System of inductively coupled plasma for ultratrace parallel detection of several elements (from
lithium to uranium) at 1 – 10 ppb level applicable in pharmacy, geology, for example in analysis of
food and beverages, metals, pharmaceuticals, water, concrete. The ions are separated according to
the mass and charge (enabling analysis of metals in the concentration of ppt).
EVOQ GC-TQ MS System (Bruker)
Equipped with triple quadrupole suitable mainly for quantitative analysis due to utilization of MRM
transitions and high sensitivity. Applicable in biological analyses, pharmacokinetics and targeted
metabolomics (testing and analysis of food, environmental analysis, forensic toxicology, sport
medicine/doping control, analysis of oil products, fuels and hydrocarbons).
Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Series ICP-OES Duo analyzer (Thermo Scientific)
Low cost multi-element analysis for measuring trace elements (detection limit > 1ppb) allowing full
wavelength coverage while retaining high sensitivity.
IR and Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory
◼ IR Spectroscopy System (IR Nicolet iS50 spectrometer with Raman and GC-IR modules)
◼ Infrared Microscopy Nicolet iN10 (Thermo Scientific)
◼ DXR SmartRaman spectrometer and DXR Raman microscope (Thermo Scientific)
Measurements of various inorganic and organic compounds and biochemical interactions in the
near, middle and far IR region using reflex DRIFT and ATR as well as transmision KBr techniques.
Laboratory of Elementary Analysis
Flash 2000 CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer (Thermo Scientific)
Working on the principle of Dumas chromatography. Applicable for determination of C, H, N, S
and O in matrices of different character in the concentration range from 0,01% (100 ppm) to 100%
for sample loading of 0,01–700 mg (depending on matrix type); enables determination of protein
contents in the samples.
Laboratory of Chromatographic Methods
◼ UltiMate 3000 Quarternary LC System (Thermo Scientific)
◼ UltiMate 3000 (Dionex)
Highly-effective qualitative and quantitative determination of organic compounds; separation of
components prior to identification. Detection type: refractive index, UV/VIS absorbance,
electrochemical, fluorescence, charged aerosol. Q-HPLC system enables efficient separation of
various organic substances.
Dionex ICS 5000 Ion Chromatograph
Determination of cations, anions, saccharides using electrochemical detector; separation of ions and
polar molecules based on difference in their charge.
Agilent 1260 GPC/SEC System
Gel permeation chromatography equipment for analysis of polymeric compounds – characterization
of distribution of molecular masses and their changes, investigation of relation between chemical
composition and structure of compounds and their physical and other properties. Equipped with
DAD and RI detectors and fluorescence detector with acquisition of excitation a emission spectra.
Optical Rotation Laboratory
JASCO P-2000 digital polarimeter (Jasco)
Equipped with thermostated cuvette and detector for HPLC. Determination of optical rotation in the
solution; measurements of chiral compounds in the broad interval of concentration with accuracy of
Other Equipments
DSC1/700 STARe, TGA/DSC 1 LFSTARe (Mettler–Toledo)
For measurements of changes in the mass of sample during heating, cooling and constant
temperature. Applicable mainly in the field of characterization of compositon of materials in
chemical and pharmaceutical industry (plastics, elastomers, thermosets, mineral substances, drugs).
AAS Thermo iCE 3500 Dual (Thermo Fisher)
Atomic absorption spectroscopy for determination of the content of trace and substantial
concentrations of individual elements in the analyzed solution. Analysis of more than 60 elements
of periodic table with sensitivity in the range of several hundreths to several hundreds ppm.
BioScope Catalyst (Bruker)
Atomic force microscope for detection of local atomic forces between samples; interactions in
biopolymers; almost all type of surface; AFM with highest resolution, standard (contact and
contactless) and advanced modes of measurement, LFM, AC, mapping, nanomanipulations,
RTG Diffractometer D8 Advance (Bruker Corporation)
Equipped with vertical theta-theta Bragg-Brentano geometry, Si(Li) detector Sol-XE cooled with 5-
stage Peltier, Cu source of RTG radiation, Göbel mirror for parallelization of RTG beam and
rotatory sample holder. Possibility od measurement in 0D, 1D and 2D mode. Measurements (high
resolution) of inorganic and organic powdery samples. Instrument can be configured for all RTG
powder applications including phase identification, quantitative phase analysis and analysis of
crystal structure, residual tension, examination of textures, RTG reflectometry and microdiffraction.
Microarray Scanner InnoScan 710 IR (Innopsys)
Microarray scanning system with accessories for molecular scoring in situ and ex situ of biological
samples. High resolution enables scanning of spots from 3 µm to 40 µm for real-time proteins,
DNA, cells and tissues. Excitation at wavelengths of 635 nm and 532 nm.
bScreen LB991 Label-free & Microarray Reader (Berthold)
Equipment for measurements of "label free" biomolecular interactions and kinetic analyse for
compounds with low molecular mass (< 150 Da) (also for proteins, DNA, RNA, polysaccharides,
lipids, cells, viruses, nanoparticles in various matrices). The system enables processing as much as
240 000 interactions per 24 hod.
ZeptoREADER (Zeptosens)
Microarray spotter and reader - universal ultrasensitive fluorescence reader of microfields
applicable in functional biology, celomic and gene expression; more than 120000 data points per 6 h.
SpotBot 3 Protein Edition (Arrayit)
Microarray spotter for spotting of samples on the surface in microarray or microtitration format, in
very low contents (in order of nL).
SR7000DC SPR System (Reichert)
Two-channel SPR analyzer with autosampler enabling to obtain complex kinetic, afinity and
thermodynamic data in high quality about biomolecular interactions (e.g. antigen-antibody, lectin-glycoconjugate)
of various samples (solutions of chemical substances, lysates, cells, modified
nanoparticles) on chips in real time without the need of sample markers.
CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer (Beckman Coulter)
3-Laser system (488 nm, 638 nm, 405 nm) with 13 detectors enables measurements of small cells
and microparticles (< 0.2 µm). Possibility of measurement of absolute counts of cells or particles
without need of addition of calibrating particles to the sample. The rate of reading: 30000 events per
second for all 15 parameters. As a integral part is detector for lateral scattering from violet laser.
QP Expresion, Modul QPix2 colony picking robot (Genetix)
Fully automatic equipment for biotechnology laboratories for screening of microorganisms in the
safe regime speeding-up preparation of
more than 400 samples per hour.
MV-10 ASFE System (Waters)
Supercritical fluid extractor with accelerated extraction using CO 2 at operating pressure of 60-325
bars for semi-automatic extraction suitable for different kind of matrices. Equipped with fluid
modul with adjustable rate of CO 2 flow in the range of 0.5–15 mL/min.
PrinCE Next|875 (Prince Technologies)
Capillary electrophoresis enables fast separation with exceptional efficiency and resolution even in
such analytical cases which are hardly soluble or insoluble by liquid chromatography. UV Diode
Array detector enables collection of 8 signals simultaneously (190–1010 nm). Equipped also with a
detector working on the principle of LED Induced Fluorescence (640 nm source).
BIOSTAT Cplus SIP fermentor/bioreactor (Sartorius)
Sterilizable-In-Place fermentor/bioreactor system consists of a set of fermentors of different
capacity with control unit for actuation of parameters; suitable for cultivation of microorganisms,
production of specific chemical substances or biomass.
CFX 96 RTPCR (Bio-Rad)
Real time PCR thermocycler for polymerase chain reactions monitored in real time; suitable for
qualitative and quantitative analysis of nucleic acids and gene expression in real time; measurement
in optic system of 6 channels; 365–680 nm extinction, 460–750 nm detection; dynamic range of 10
Bio-Rad C1000 (Bio-Rad)
DNA thermal cycler/amplifier for polymerase chain reactions (programmed temperature changes of
the reaction mixture; applicable for amplification/PCR, cloning, sequencing, gene expession